Yoshihiro Makino Captures the Magic of New Mexico
In a series of images shot in New Mexico, the photographer depicts vast expanses of desert caught on one particularly magical day.

© Yoshihiro Makino
New Mexico, a land-locked state known for its arid climate and sprawling deserts, is often photographed for its warm colour palette, tawny coloured houses, drought-prone vegetation, and deep pink sunsets.
A landscape seen in a new light
In Traces of Dreams / Her, Yoshihiro Makino, a Japanese photographer based in Los Angeles, shines a new light on the region. He captures the gypsum in the White Sands desert in the depths of winter, and offers a series of images in cold and vibrant colours, mainly in blue and white.
Yoshihiro Makino focuses on texture: the photographer pays attention to the ridges on the ground, the trees that stand apart from the landscape, and the similarity between the curves of the white dunes and those of the neighbouring mountain. The result is a simple and poetic take on these immaculate expanses of land.
Yoshihiro Makino’s photographs can be viewed on his website and Instagram account.

© Yoshihiro Makino

© Yoshihiro Makino

© Yoshihiro Makino

© Yoshihiro Makino

© Yoshihiro Makino
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